Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So, working at Microsoft this summer has been nothing short of awesome. Lots of cool people, cool projects, and cool stuff. Lots of cool stuff to do, to see, to experience, to keep. It's really been a great summer here in Redmond.

I came across a website that is pretty awesome, too. Microspotting. It's "like the paparazzi, but for geeks." I think it's pretty neat. There is a lot of cool information and spotlights on neat people that people like myself find interesting. They also embrace that ominous persona that has precedes the giant corporation, that which gives a likening of Bill Gates to Darth Vader or Darth Sidious. The "Rockin' the empire" campaign is genius. It totally downplays all of the negative stereotypes of Microsoft in a single phrase. When I first got here, I was in for a huge surprise in that area, too. It wasn't all uptight with deadlines, deadlines, deadlines! People have fun here, and really know how to balance their work. (At least in Research, I can't speak for the product groups.) But anyway, if you've ever considered a position at Microsoft, delay no longer, check out the website and find a way to assimilate into the borg, er the empire, errr Microsoft. =D I'm a 'Softie and lovin' it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My new tablet PC

So I got a new tablet PC! It's freaking sweet. I just wrote this post with the handwriting recognition engine in Word 2007.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Thursday, February 08, 2007 : Most Worthless Reference Site

EVER. This site, once useful for finding great synonyms to shove into papers produced for college professors in sweat shop conditions, now reduced to a site that continuously gives me the phrase "hot poop" as a synonym for "information". I'm not sure that (a) word(s) taken from a skinny white guy posing as a cool rapper in front of his friends constitutes as a good word (choice) substitution in a college level paper... or any situation for that matter. I just don't get it... not a single good suggestion. Try it yourself. They don't seem to be in any hurry to fix these results from the Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus for which I can easily Cite This Source. Who cares if the word sucks? "Poop" wasn't the only word completely useless on that specific page (trust me "information" isn't the only word). Although "poop" was on the page 3 times, 95.6% of the other words made no sense and did not help. This site has seriously gone down the tubes.