Monday, February 06, 2006

I'm not "emo", trust me.

So, it really gets me... The whole "emo" thing. Not people calling me that, necessarily, just the craze in general. I mean what is it with people? By trying to suffice their need to stand out, they find that they need to fit in? That sentence, I realize, makes just about as much sense as this "emo" ludicrous does. I hate even calling it that. It shows that I acknowledge their existence, when, in fact, I don't want to. I'm sure their are plenty of cool people out there who are into the whole thing, but call it what it is which is still to nice: "Emotional". I guess emo just sounded cooler. I dunno. I'm not a fad designer, but this is one fad, that I hope will come to an end shortly.

One website that lyrically describes how I feel about this whole thing is here:
The Emo Song.

I don't and can't fathom the need to wear girl jeans, paint my nails black, or have chains dangling from my dress-like-pants to the ground. I thought this whole thing started with shoving expensive clothes in the face of the "preppie" crowd, when it seems that now, places like Hot-Topic can carry items such as bondage-style abdomen covers and capes that bear price tags right up there with the most expensive mall clothing items. You see these people all over campus, and it really makes me wonder "When are these people going to grow up?" Are they going to act like this their entire lives? I mean, I can understand it in high school, trying to make the most out of the awkward years, but these people need to step into the adult world and quit acting like immature children looking for attention. "Emo-kid, why you so sad?"

"I'm an Emo-Kid, non-conforming as can be.
You'd be non-conforming too, if you look just like me."
-The Emo Song.

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