Friday, March 31, 2006

Ten reasons why Geeks make good friends - Revised

  1. I love the innocence of Geeks. The Geeks weren't the ones face down in a pool of their own vomit for most of their high school years. A rough Friday night for them as a teenager was when the computer crashed and they spent all night trying to fix it. I don't know a single Geek who was too drunk the following morning to take their SATs. In my defense, that was the first time I had ever had 151 Bacardi.
  2. My friend, Ellie, was in her early 20's and had never been drunk before. We had a huge party and she decided that was going to be the night. Around 10 pm I walked into my bathroom to see her hugging the toilet, a guy holding her hair back and her heaving like she was trying to get it out of her feet. She looked up at me as I walked into the bathroom, tears running down her face and said "Am I doing this right?" I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time because she looked so pathetic. She was completely consumed with worrying that she was worshiping The Porcelain God correctly. Now I'm not saying the Geeks don't know how to party, they just figure it out a hell of of a lot later than the rest of us.
  3. Geeks are smart and funny. They get the Dennis Miller jokes. I suppose I must have some sort of inner Geek, because it wasn't until I started hanging out with the Geeks, that people really started getting my jokes. Occasionally people would get it, but not always. Once I was watching European Vacation in the theater, and the girl looks at a sausage being served and said "I miss Jack...." I burst out laughing but it took the rest of the theater about 15 seconds to catch up with me. My friend Andrew was so embarassed that he got up and moved about 5 seats away from me which caused the whole theater to start laughing again. Honestly, how did they miss that joke?
  4. Geeks are always straight foward and up front about things. They make good friends because they are loyal and won't stab you in the back. It doesn't occur to them. It's not logical.
  5. I like the fact that Geeks have no pretense of social norms. They will invite you over to their house to play board games or D&D, never realizing the rest of the world plays poker or drinks.
  6. The Geeks will look up to you for coolness. They will listen to non-nerds. If you say, "Don't wear that, it's really geeky looking" it will give them pause. Course that won't work if you're talking about strapping the latest digital camera to their waist, but if it's not techincal, they'll listen.
  7. Geeks will love your cooking. I have no idea why. I don't know if they're secretly starving to death or if their inability to cook causes them to always be starving but they will wolf down just about anything. And love it.
  8. Geeks are an accepting bunch of folks. They will accept your weird friends, your family, whoever. No need to be embarassed, they've pretty much seen it all.
  9. Geeks pay attention to detail. They're kind of an anal retentive-OCD type bunch. If my socks don't match, Ellie will notice. If I've got a pimple, Ellie will notice. If the cabinets in my kitchen are open, Ellie will close them. This isn't a bad thing, because if you've got something in your teeth, the female geek will tell you. The male geek will assume he has a chunk too, shrug and go on with his day.
  10. You never, ever have to worry that should you find yourself in the position of having to do something athletic, that you will look like a dork in front of your Geek friends. They've cornered the market on that. If they're not the ones who are hideously uncoordinated, then they are either working with, dating, married to or friends with a number of them who are.

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