Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The New Portable Nintendo System

The new and improved Nintendo DS Lite. You have to hand it to our boys over at Nintendo, they continue to shurn out excellent games without falling into the "multi-media" frenzy that everyone seems to be craving. It's a video game system and I believe one of the reasons they are so good at making games and rock solid systems is because of their stubborness. They focus on the main objective and get it right. The new DS resembles the new Revolution System a lot. It seems as if they're trying to get us ready for the "revolution". As one of the posters on the engadget website described the design, "Not only does it look like an Apple product, it even comes with the 'Damnit!, I just bought one' feeling as well." Haha, so if you've just bought a regular DS, don't dispair, even though you're going to mis out on the new design, lighter and less bulky, your clunky, ugly, and heavy DS will still work all the same.
I own two gameboy systems, the original and an original advance. I haven't and don't plan on buying own of these new systems until they're giving them away. Strangley, I don't feel the need to carry with me a portable video game system. My pockets just aren't that big. It seems that back in the day when all I had to carry was lint, I didn't mind, but these kind of systems just aren't appealing to me anymore... which leads me into my next post.

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