Sunday, January 22, 2006

Weekend 4 of 2006... Gays, drunks, and brakes.

So this weekend contained some pretty interesting events.

Friday started off pretty normal with a bit of class and my first CSci lab of the semester. After we got out (my friend Andy and I) we left campus, along with Andy's roomate, to eat dinner at Rafferty's and make the weekly trip to Walmart.

Saturday, was, however, a different story. After a seamingly normal day, I met up with my group of friends at Chili's on the strip before we went to the Carousel II. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's Knoxville's prominent gay club. Not that I'm gay, or that I even frequent clubs at all, but a friend of ours wanted to know if we'd go and after finding out about the drag show being held, we figured we'd all oblige. How many times do you really get to see that in your life? Alright, alright, if you're into that, the answer is a lot. But I figured it'd be a fun way to blow a Saturday night, by watching men tape themselves and dance around in dresses lip-syncing female pop singers.

On the way to the show we wandered through part of Sketch Knoxville, where we needed to cross the road. An oncoming SUV showed no signs of yielding to pedestrians in the cross walk and as he drove by, wiggled the steering wheel, purposely (?) swerving as he past us. We also saw that he happened to be holding a red SILO cup up next to his head as he looked at us as if he were trying to imitate Gene Simmons. Ahhh, thank God for drunk drivers. They make me feel so safe.

As I had expected, it was a humourous event, and definitely a bit creepy. To the left you can see the Carousel's Miss Valentine. All in good fun. lol. We left before the end of the show with a new plan of heading over to Cotton Eyed Joes' (affectionately named 'Cock Eyed Hoes') by all that dispise it, present company included.

We caught a 'T' Bus over at Clement hall to ride over to Presidential to consolidate our plans. The bus drove up, pumping heavy hip hop music out of a 2 inch bus PA speaker driver. The bus driver, with crooked teeth, welcomed us "to the Party Bus!" It reeked of stale vomit, but we were in it for the distance. Some girls asked if he stopped at 16th and highland, but the closest he came was 12th and Highland, both in th heart of sketch Knoxville, but the girls seemed intent on going anyway, even though our strange driver strongly cautioned against the four girls making the journey. Coming to the intersection to cross Cumberland Ave, my friends and I were sharing our take of the nights sights thus far. Mid sentence, the bus' air brakes brought it to a screeching halt. At first, I assumed that the bus driver had just almost run a red light, but looking up, I noticed that we were in the middle of Cumberland, our light was green, and there was a vehicle driving in the oncoming traffic lane to avoid collision with a bus many times its weight. Gave everyone on the bus a good scare and I'm sure it made the red-light-running-pilot shit himself. Without any other hitches, we arrived at our dropoff where the bus driver greeted the next riders with the same enthusiasm and vigor as he had us. They were obviously ready to party as they were dancing to the crappy muddled music eminating from the bus. Some, the bus driver called by name asking "Where's your girlfriend?" How often do these people ride the bus? Of course, I guess it's better than getting hammered and then trying to drive. Ahhh, thank God for buses, they make me feel so safe.

We got to my friends Laurel and Kathleen's ( right two respectively) dorm room where we proceeded to decide that 'twas too late to go all the way to Cotton Eyed Joes, now. We put it off until this Friday when Laurel's out of state boyfriend, Craig would be in town to join in the fun. So we just laid around and watched some MTV programming before we all headed home.

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